Hello my friends!
Before I show my little project, I want each one of you to know that I truly appreciate the time that you take to read this little blog. I am amazed and humbled that you find it worth your time to read about my "it's done" list. Thank you so much for your kind comments! If you do (or don't) comment I am very grateful for your support. I hope you are not offended if I don't get a chance to visit you. I have three young men at home who also like to have their time on the computer and most days it's tricky for me to get in some blog viewing time. During the summer months the only way I get time to post is to do it early in the morning before my boys wake up. Oh how I wish I could spend hours visiting everyone's blog---what a wonderful way to spend a day! However, real life makes it impossible. I'm sure you feel the same way too. I want you know that I really do value your blog friendship!!!!!!! And if you have a question for me or really want to invite me to your blog home, please just send me an email and I'll be there for you.Now onto my easy little project. I found these plastic keys at the thrift store for a quarter.
They're were meant for a child to play with, but I'm a big kid at heart and I love old keys. The yellow keys had a mouse image on them so I'll share those with my granddaughter, but I gave the rest of the set a coat of black spray paint.
Once dry I spritzed on a coat of metallic paint.
I "spritz" by spraying at a distance so as not to change the color, just add flecks of color. I like this combination because it gives depth and an appearance of aged metal. The keys now look like real antiques.

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