Inspiration Bins and a Scetnsy Win
I have a habit of picking up little "this and thats" at the thrift store or on clearance.
It may be a bag full of pulls, a metal house number, curtain rings, hooks, or a monogram.
It could be finials, balusters, wood feet, or a miscellaneous part. It's always that little item that is very inexpensive but when I see it the wheels in my head begin to spin.
I keep my this and thats sorted in bins. When I need a pretty knob or a little something to finish off a project, the starting point for a new design or just a reason to smile, I pull out my containers.
It's wonderful to have that perfect finishing touch or an object of inspiration tucked away, just waiting to be pulled from it's bin.
Congratulations to Michele of Houseful of Heathens! Random Generator picked her comment, number 84, as the winner for the Scensty giveaway. Michelle, please email me your info so I can send it to Chilly from Scentsy. 
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